Zanac x Zanac
Compile Shoot
Art Gallery
PC Games
Kelesis ?






Signer le Guestbook / Sign the Guestbook


21-04-2024 07:04:43 []
It's nice to see some documents about ZANAC for the Palm,but is it still possible to find this game nowadays? I have no idea.

12-04-2024 03:04:25 []
hello, world

18-02-2024 20:02:58 []
anyone who reads this message will have good fortune but you must pay it forward

BONE warrior
13-02-2024 08:02:15 []
Take this BONE club

24-12-2023 16:12:42 []
Connaissez vous le Rio ?

16-12-2023 00:12:05 []
found this through and am delighted at the love in this site! i love your STG section. thanks for something cool to explore!

09-05-2023 04:05:41 []
Articles sur les moteurs et annuaires de recherche. Aides et conseils pour améliorer le référencement de sites web.

14-03-2023 06:03:38 []
What an amazing website and an excellent taste in music. All love to you bro.

Bro Léon
18-11-2022 11:11:15 []
Connaissez-vous le pays de Léon ?

12-11-2022 19:11:08 []
goodass site

02-09-2019 06:09:34 []
Great to see this site is still around! I remember it from the late 90s.

02-09-2019 06:09:25 []
I love that pages like this are still around. Love the info and nostalgia.

Frankie Coleman
02-09-2019 03:09:43 []
I am thankful this web page still exists. It's very important!!

28-09-2018 05:09:25 []

28-09-2018 05:09:24 []

28-09-2018 05:09:22 []

26-03-2018 02:03:03 []
Thank you for this informative website, specially the compile 'shoot 'em up' list. Wonderful work :)

07-07-2015 02:07:25 []
I haven't seen a website with a guest book in years! Oh the memories of writing in them all those years ago! Keep up the good work!

22-10-2013 02:10:12 []
Golvellius, ça c'est un jeu juste incroyable. J'aime mieux ça que Zelda 3 qui lui aussi est super bon. Franchement c'est criminel à quel point personne connaît ce foutu classique. J'y ai joué la première fois en 2010 et il a extrêmement bien vieillit. Maximum 5 minute de grinding pour l'or. Franchement la perfection ce jeu.

30-08-2012 17:08:22 []

22-01-2012 03:01:19 []
I have more work by Akihiro Yamada and Ayami Kojima. If you would like them, you can contact me at my email. (It's boxofsheep at gmail, for anyone else interested)

25-11-2011 04:11:14 []
Your site rules, Compile never dead!

05-06-2011 01:06:15 []

11-04-2011 23:04:27 []
I know you'll probably never read this, but you're awesome. Over and out.

04-08-2009 21:08:44 []
Yamada has done a few manga on his own too in addition to collaborating with writers/concept people. He did a nice futuristic noir one set in "Neo-Hong Kong". It's one volume. Probably not available in anything but Japanese. It's called: 百花庭園の悲劇

20-07-2009 20:07:00 []
Hey! You kidding right?! I'm looking for the rom (or the dsk) of Golvellius 2 for over years! Don't you have any link to help me get the hands on this pearl my friend? I'm a really fan of this serie, since was the first rpg i have played. Please! Help me! I heard there is a english version out there (made by a group called woomb) but i never see it. The japanese version is enough Please! I will look for you response!

29-10-2008 03:10:39 []
Golvellius fans, I'm working on a 3D remake of Golvellius, check out my videos on YouTube. Thanks!

29-02-2008 00:02:55 []
You can buy PS3 80GB for $349 on

26-11-2007 00:11:33 []
Hey. Enjoyed your musha aleste section. Love this game, played it back in the day on MD. Now i play it on my xbox. I agree its one of the few perfect games ever made. Cheers, mate.

20-09-2007 22:09:44 []

07-09-2007 14:09:02 []
I love you

Patrick Lindsay
09-06-2007 23:06:14 []
eh Im your average american fan of Ayami Kojima's artwork. I absolutely love the artwork of my favorite game series castlevania and I hope she's able to do more of the artwork, but seeing as they are taking it to a more kid friendly anime style look that may never happen. (I don't see how kid friendly it is when most of the storylines are about killing a vampire how kid friendly is that?)

08-04-2007 06:04:43 []
C'est superbe ta site. J'adore les SHMUPS, et bien sur les SHMUPS par Compile. Mais il est trop difficile de trouver des sites dedies a ces grands realisateurs. Ta site a beucoup des images difficiles a trouver, vraiment un bon travail!

20-03-2007 10:03:04 []
Good site!

04-11-2006 09:11:24 []
Très bon site... à consommer avec un bon café chaud au petit matin ^_^ Sur ce, je vais encore "surfer" sur ce site !

31-10-2006 13:10:31 []
HAVANA (AP) — Photographs of Fidel Castro standing and talking on the phone were published Sunday in Cuba's state-run media, a day after the ailing leader appeared in a video to dispel rumors he was on his deathbed. The Communist Youth newspaper Juventud Rebelde dedicated its front page to the Cuban president, printing a blown-up picture of a pensive Castro with the title "Always fighting for something, and fighting with optimism!"

24-10-2006 11:10:37 []
Aleste Gaiden does have a sound test! Just press the left cursor 24 times at the title screen. You can even choose between FM and PSG music in this sound test. Have fun! ;)

13-10-2006 17:10:42 []
Hello! I came here and found this Site great! Just wanted to say this. Well done! :-) trainy greetings Lee

05-10-2006 11:10:31 []
Hi great site! Look this very interesting site: Good bye!

MARO* (Art, Peintures & toiles)
26-08-2006 14:08:03 []
Bonnes nouvelles, enfin une réponse au raz le bol des spammeurs de livre d’or. Un usager de free m'a donné cette info, le nouveau livre d’or @lex_guestbook3 de FREE est protégé contre les spammeurs par filtre IP ou plage d'IP, par censure de mots sensibles. Je suis soulagée de ne plus nettoyer plusieurs spamms par jour. Qui as tu un tuyau pour clore l’ancien livre d’or FREE qui continue à être pollué, t’as une idée parce qu’on ne peut pas compter sur l’assistance FREE ? Ton site est superbe.

MARO* (Art, Peintures et toiles)
15-07-2006 22:07:10 []
bonjour, Est il possible de filtrer les livres d'or car des malfaisants déposent des publicités pour des médicaments, des sites pornos ou hors sujets. Je passe beaucoup de temps à le nettoyer. Les adresses IP sont pratiquement toujours les mêmes à l'unité près même si elles sont masquées par des proxies. En attendant, seuls les messages validés publiées sur une page HTML statique , Pour cause d’universalité, le formulaire continue à réceptionner les POST. Cette astuce a permis de rendre la gêne moindre puisque le site présente les seuls messages validés et les autres, ne sont accessibles, qu’après envoi, Il doit être possible de bannir ces adresses IP pour les empêcher de déposer de nouveaux messages, Avez vous fait remonter l’info à FREE ou avez vous trouvé une parade et laquelle ? merci et ton site est chouette!

Zetrader (Ze Trader)
28-06-2006 15:06:58 []
ça fait science fiction le style de votre site

09-05-2006 06:05:28 []
I guess my previous post got accidently delete. Oh well...Just want to say how great your site is. This one few site with any info on Compile shmups, and I'm glad it still up. I hope you continue to maintain it. Zanac (msx1) is still the greatest shooter today after 20 years. I found another Compile shmup not mentioned yet, it's from their DiscStation vol 15 (win95). Not sure of title, but someone told me it translates to "Daikaisen". :)

04-03-2006 11:03:53 []
Thanks for your message Magus, Rude Breaker is lacking to my list indeed. But one of the old message of this guestbook (deleted by error) was pointing this and I deeply thanks all people helping me to complete my knowledge of Compile shooting. I enjoyed playing and finishing Rude Breaker a few month ago but I haven't updated the site yet to talk of this game. I didn't knew it was from the disc station 10 so thank you for the precision. Now, I just have to find the courage to update the site instead of playing shooting game ^_^.

03-03-2006 19:03:57 []
Nice to meet you. I'm a Compile-STG fan from Japan. It's grad thing that there is cool site in overseas! Looking at Compile Shoot list, I'm so surprised and stired. But RUDE BREAKER, in the PC-98 Disc Station Vol 10, is lacking on this list. Would I mail you about it's detail?

kelesis webmaster
21-02-2006 02:02:19 []
Sorry for some of the last messages, because of an error of manipulation, they were deleted (fumble). I apologize, I read all every day, and it made me happy to see all feedback. But these days, some f*ckin' spammers are polluating my guestbook, needing some continual cleaning. This was the cause of the loss of so many messages. To those f*ckin' bot or mass spammers, one day I'll make you pay, I will find a way to eradicate your nuisance. F*ck you and die. To all others normal visitors I wish you the best, and hope that authors of messages deleted by accident will let me another one, you're welcome.

27-02-2005 18:02:38 []
on m'avait pas dit!!!! bravo pour ton petit univers, et à très bientôt Bisous

24-12-2004 18:12:02 []
Bravo pour la gallery cosplay ;-)

21-12-2004 08:12:01 []
I have obtained the ROM for Devil's Heaven. Please email me for details! ^_^ Oh, and I love your site! Keeping the Compile legacy alive is a very good thing, and I'm glad to have access to all of this wonderful information. Keep up the good work!

John Hassink
20-12-2004 20:12:39 []
Hi Kelesis, I really like your site. Aleste Gaiden (MSX) does not lack a soundtest. To get to the soundtest, press the left or right cursor (which one doesn't matter) for a few times, until it appears. Cheers, bye bye!

08-12-2004 16:12:17
nice site. i like games like chrono trigger and pso very much, too. cu

Talyian SilvirWynd
23-11-2004 03:11:34
Wow....a very interesting site...good pics good games...couldnt ask for more....

20-10-2004 17:10:39
Cool site!

15-09-2004 05:09:23
liked your wallpapers, especially the MGS ones...tres cool..^_^

Kellee Bennet
12-07-2004 23:07:33
I was just wondering if jimmy bennet has a girlfriend because if he doesn't then I'll be his girlfriend.I just have to say that I'm 2 yrs. older than jimmy,but he's so cute in those pictures and in daddy daycare. Love, Kellee Bennet

10-07-2004 13:07:50
Zora, ags zom vlan this muk as nouch . Biguila naboula nadacha ato Manou at Fla vien ito pali ... Je en clo de et bravo pour le travail ;)

16-06-2004 12:06:39
A nice hello of me! I searched and found. I find it again and again mad, what one finds at information on sides like these. Unfortunately one must search always only for a long time, before one has luck. Really good work. Greeting from me...!!!!!!!!!

Akai Okami
01-06-2004 16:06:45
I really enjoyed looking through this site. Very nicely done. *claps*

28-04-2004 13:04:40
Hi, I'm from Brazil and I had a MSX computer. Zanac was one of my favorite games and even nowadays I've a special care about this game; You've done a great job on this site! Thank you.

26-04-2004 10:04:37
Un site qui mérite d'être vu.

20-04-2004 02:04:56
Une perle ce site ! Y a pas à dire, Compile , c'est du tout bon . J'en ai appris pas mal sur ce site, et ça m'a rapeller bien de bons souvenirs.

John Beckett
09-04-2004 00:04:29
y,know, this site is a great place to learn about Compile games. even of you never updated again, i would still come here regularly! i hope you continue to add to the site though - maybe more stuff on Randar?? please!

jon pollitt
26-03-2004 01:03:18
nice site :O)

07-03-2004 06:03:05
Dokaka est un nouvel artiste de musique du Japon. Si vous avez entendu sa musique vous pourriez penser qu'il utilise des instruments. Si vous , vous avez tort ! La voix de Dokaka est chaque instrument dans la chanson. Il des humms chaque partie de la chanson et quand il est fait il étend tous les bruits ensemble. Elle crée un bruit très frais. Dokaka est actuellement dans NYC faisant des concerts, expositions de radio et les enregistrant avec Bjork. Vérifiez son site Web (bientôt pour être :

22-02-2004 20:02:17
salut,vraiment genial ton site ,c un sacre travail,et je suis d'accord sur les critiques(moi aussi jadore musha aleste et ses music sont divine noh specter,agressive attack,rejouer par un orchestre symphony avec un groupe de metal ce serai divin),dailleur pour lord of thunder ils ont entierement rejouer les music avec un groupe rock divin la aussi,sinon pour le rpg ys c orchestrer avec du metal divin la aussi,ya meme eu un live au japon mais jai pas reussi a mettre la main dessus (si jhabiter le japon ah le reve),daileur me suis fait un cd avec les meilleur music megadrive et supernes en wav le bonheur,et rejouer a ces jeux dexeption cest dement,les jeux de maintenat sont beau mais non aucune originalite et sont tous construit pareil et il ya tres peux de perle qui sortent,par contre les isos nec et mega cd introuvable et quen jen trouve marche po si tu sais ou en trouver fais un petit signe!!! ah les shoot le bonheur!!!!merci mon mecha

Kelesis webmaster
09-02-2004 11:02:29
Thanks to all the people signing lately my guestbook, and a BIG sorry to all visitors for the un-updating of the site. As I'm now working a bit, it's hard to let the site be my only priority and I feel so sorry for that. But it's life, and everyone needs to work in order to eat^^. But I promise I will not forget the Compile cause, and more; all you guys and girls who signed my guestbook, or mailed me, and offer some precious contributions. A Big thank, and all my excuses if I had not answered all of you. I very glad of all your reactions, hope you will still share the joy of some of my passions, and see you someday may be, in the so wished by myself updating of the !

02-02-2004 05:02:18
Er...guestbooks I'm not too familiar with, sorry for posting twice...but yeah I'll look forward to anything new you put up on your site!

02-02-2004 05:02:16
Keep the art galleries up! Oh, and cosplaying has made you my friend. GO COSPLAYERS!!! Love the site, you did a wonderful job on it, and everything on it's simply gorgeous! don't give up on this site, you've got me hooked!

Bennet Olsson
21-01-2004 08:01:56
Hi! I can see that there is someone who loves Compile, just like I do. I had no idea they released a sequel to Golvellius, just like the game said in the end! This is great! I just wish I could play it.... Well, have a great day! Bennet

30-11-2003 07:11:41

John Beckett
08-11-2003 18:11:33
very good site. its hard to find good information on the Golvellius games, but your site is the best. it would be good to see more info on Randar - im intrigued by his games!

22-09-2003 08:09:19
You did a good job.Good luck

16-09-2003 12:09:47
Great page with lots of interesting and for me new stuf about compile!!!

14-08-2003 16:08:59
Hi!I'm from Japan.I love Akihiro Yamada's art. ↑There are some of latest his art in this site.

12-08-2003 00:08:39
~ * ~ Excellent website.You did a good job.Good luck... ~ * ~

05-08-2003 22:08:30
Hey, I was just searching for some swordmen pictures and found this. Ayami Kojima's drawings are the very best I've ever seen ^^ I want to become a mangaka, and I would be very glad, if i could draw like her ^^ So that'll the next I'll head for ;)

Ivy Momo
01-08-2003 01:08:02
Hey,this is just cool-Keep the Ayami Kojima Gallery it sure is the best!

10-06-2003 18:06:28
Loin de la masse, de ces sites impersonnels qui se veulent tantôt objectifs, tantôt exhaustifs, séléctionne l'information et se concentre sur ses choix. Un vrai site de fan.

06-05-2003 02:05:13
The COOLEST shooting site I've ever seen. Keep up the good work, rock on brother^_^

24-04-2003 19:04:14
Salut a tous! L'album de CHRYSALIS (death melodique original)sera enregistré en septembre prochain...Tenez-vous au courant!

Rodrigo "Dark Fact" Menezes
07-03-2003 00:03:23
Man... AYAMI KOJIMA's gallery is surely, THE BEST !!! Keep this site up, sir !

25-01-2003 06:01:11

Fernando Collazo
24-01-2003 11:01:51
Oh yeah! This is a great site with the best information about Compile shoting, and MSX machines. In the future why don´t you put some information actual images. The emulators are much better now. Thanks a lot.

Jim Pearson
07-01-2003 21:01:10
Great Site,but does anyone out there have any action replay codes for Undead Line (megadrive)? im losing my mind trying to finish this game! Jim

Jason Scotti
03-12-2002 06:12:51
Hey, we've spoken before... Anyway, I just found out Golvellius 2 came out on the MSX 2 and was wondering if you had any idea of where I can get a copy or any other info on the game. Thanks and great site.

14-11-2002 22:11:13
Wonderfull, this site is unbelievable! I'm from Italy, and italian cosplayer, great for your costume ^_^

13-11-2002 10:11:33
Bon ben , j'ai vu que tu parlais que midi de malmsteen dans tes pages , ben si tu en veux, j'en ai pas mal à disposition sur mon site c dans la rubrique musique, puis neoclassique puis tu vas sur malmsteen ;-) voila @+ bon courage pour ton site

09-11-2002 18:11:11

Gustav XIII
19-10-2002 13:10:19
Bon site distillant des informations fiables. Beau design, ce qui ne gâche rien. Dommage qu'il n'y ait pas plus d'information sur Sylphia PC Engine, et qu'il n'y ait pas encore eu de mise à jour suite à la sortie de Zanac X Zanac Playstation. A propos de ce dernier, peut-être aurait-il fallu préciser qu'il est sorti pour fêter les 15 ans de la sortie de Zanac sur Famicom. Mais ne faisons pas trop la fine bouche, les sites français proposant une telle qualité d'information sont rares.

16-10-2002 22:10:21
Bravo pour ton site qui nous a rapellé de merveilleux souvenirs ! Surtous tiens bien ton site à jour car nous reviendrons comme tout bon amateur de shootthemup. CkucK & Wax

02-10-2002 18:10:08
Site Fantastique. J'adore le jeux Golvellius et c'est le site où on trouve le plus d'information sur le jeux sur le net.

Benoît Vedrines
23-09-2002 22:09:39
Salut Kelesis ! C'est toujours un grand bonheur de re visiter ta page. Au fait, faut qu'on se tel pour que je te rende tes jeux Mega CD ... et que tu me refile les miens. J'ai aussi plein de shoots doojin vachement sympah (sur PC98 quasi-exclusivement). A bientôt, Au fait toujours pas de thèse sur le thème Adol gros niqueur ? Bye, Benoît.

05-09-2002 12:09:58
Excellent ton site, surtout la partie sur les shoots de Compile et je me joins à bcp d'autres pour demander un update. Petite trouvaille que j'ai fais sur le net à cette adresse: Il existerait une version arcade de Aleste 2sortie en 1990. Es tu au courant?

thomas lacourt
08-08-2002 10:08:29
bonjour! un site plein d'infos intéressantes, j'apprécie beaucoup! longue vie à kélésis! ps: le dernier lien de la catégorie jeu vidéo est cassé.

05-08-2002 22:08:13
Salut à tous ! Un bon petit site comme il faut, plaisant et sans prétentions ! Longue vie a Kelesis et une update pour ton site ! Tes fans le réclame :)

Jeff Schram
30-07-2002 21:07:37
Thank you for the Zanac MIDI's!

Macrez Julien
01-07-2002 18:07:26
Salut à tous ! Pouvez vous m'aidez à trouver des astuces pour le jeu Zanac sur MSX 1 ? Merci beaucoup Julien

Orakio Rob
29-06-2002 23:06:01
Wonderfull, this site is unbelievable! I'm from Brazil, and the MSX computers were quite popular around here. Zanac was one of my favourite games. And you do like Valis too, right? Thanks, you're great!

16-06-2002 04:06:05
I was in the mood for a certain song from Wonder Boy 3 when I stumbled across a ton of SMS music. So sitting here, listening to the music from Govellius, I did a search on google for the game. And here I am. Not only a Govellius fan, but you like melodic death metal, very impressive.

15-05-2002 06:05:36
Oui oui, une update! ça fait une paye kelesis ^__^ J'espère que ce site de référence de jeux compile ne disparaîtra pas. Si il faut, on créé et on signe une pétition pour obliger le webmaster a s'occuper un peu de son site ;) bya. Vous avez tous le bonjour d'Ellinoa au fait ^_^

31-03-2002 21:03:51
Salut! Super suymap le site! Autre chose: j'aimerais télécharger un émulateurs mega CD, pourrais tu le rendre disponible ou m'indiquer une adresse où je pourrais le télécharger. Merci beaucoup!

28-03-2002 17:03:30
Vivement la prochaine update !

06-03-2002 04:03:40
Salut ! Moi aussi j'ai adoré golvélius, cela m'à fais plaisir de tomber sur un site qui en à fais sa home page (le seul à ma connaissance). Bonne continuation et vive les souvenirs !!! ;-) M.Bayol

Suk yee wong
22-02-2002 05:02:51
Wow this site is very very cool I love Ayami Kojima's work so beautiful plus I always wondered what else she did before CV and I found it here ARIGATO (^_^)

kerberos stray dog panzer
17-02-2002 19:02:42
salut cher ami! sympa ce site! un bemol cependant..... ou sonts les photos de mes cosplays?? bah,je t'en veux pas (trop) quand meme! a tres bientot!! and force you the be mai with ! ou un truc dans le genre!! bye!

Chris J. Patillo
26-01-2002 06:01:45
Man, I never thought I'd see the day that I'd come across Golvellius again. You deserve props just for mentioning it in your site. Ah, the bittersweet days of the Sega MS. Now all we have to do is tell the world about Zillion, Kenseidan, and the third Wonder Boy game. Top this off with more Ayami Kojima(or anything else Castlevania) and gems abound!

23-01-2002 18:01:46
Vraiment un super site, bon boulot et serait cool de + parler de Puyo²

20-01-2002 22:01:19
Un site de très grande qualité, érudit, très bien organisé et pensé...un site qui donne envie...envie de jouer, envie d'écouter.......Longue vie !!!

Raton Laveur
15-01-2002 04:01:07
!!!- this is an excellent site on compile! I have Zanac & Gunnac & The Guardian Legend on NES(American Version)- the best games! I always wondered about the blue ball shaped guy. he's in so many games! There are also many other Compile people in more than one game. I liked the costumes. I want to play the new Zanac!!! Excellent Site!

David Ostberg
13-01-2002 05:01:51
The site was interesting and a rarity because it was difficult to locate information on a game that came out in the 1980's. The 80's were a great time for America, and Golvellius is a way for me to remember the Reagan era by.

Autumn Robson
31-12-2001 17:12:24
Hi again! I've lost your email address. Here's mine. AUTUMN

23-12-2001 23:12:04
oué c mignon les dessins! lol bye!

13-12-2001 20:12:50
Oh,English Ver is good for me anyway Thanx for link my Valis page I had also link your page and a new content "JAVA Kiss of YUKO" is ready see ya

10-12-2001 01:12:42
hi, this is the best page about castlevania ever!!! I wish i could get more pages about that castlevania SOTN comic by ayami kojima i saw today... please help me!!! thanks!!

23-11-2001 01:11:38
Bravo pour votre site. Continuez !

18-11-2001 17:11:03
One more time big thanks for all those who signed my guestbook, but I'm not here only for that. To answer Oct who found I'm Motoi Sakuraba fan on some messages board, I made a page in english so he can understand me, and all of you too. I don't have his e-mail adress so it seems the best way to answer him, so other people can read it too, it's another bonus hidden page in this site! If Motoi Sakuraba topic interest you, let see what I think about it at:

16-11-2001 12:11:50
to kelesis i'm a fan of MOTOI SAKURABA! but cannot understand French...(sorry) written in English, PLZ!!! >Posté le: 2001-11-03 16:27 >Posté le: 2001-11-03 21:14

14-11-2001 02:11:39
WOW, I can only wish that compile would come out with a new golvellius. The hours that I spent on that game ... well all I can say is it's a wonderful game and to bad so many people compare it to zelda.

09-11-2001 18:11:05
I met your homepage by chance and deeply impressed. Thank you for reminding me old compile shooters. I play them even nowadays. I like the compile games just like you. I wish you good luck. Bye.

05-11-2001 19:11:59
Thank you for comment. Although I cannot speak English, there is my WEBSITE written in Japanese. (This text is written with automatic translation software.)

23-10-2001 23:10:50
A great site, wow, pics, reviews, stuff, you're great! ^_^

06-10-2001 16:10:10
Merci pour les quelques lgnes sur nous!J'en profite pour te communiquer une date dans le coin:le 27 oct a Beziers. On devrait ausi jouer a Marseilles en Fevrier dans le cadre d'un gros festival. Quant a la date de la Loco prevue pour mardi 16 octobre, elle risque d'etre annulee s'il n'y a pas assez de preventes Fnac!Alors je t'en prie, passes le mot si tu connais umonde qui doit y venir!!!Merci, Aurelie.

11-09-2001 20:09:39
Salut, J'aimerais trouver le jeux Zanac de MX1 a télécharger sur ordinateur ou quelqu'un pouvant réparer mon MX1 ? Merci à tous Julien

kelesis ADMIN.
11-09-2001 00:09:05
Thanks to all the people who have signed my guestbook, specially the ones from the distant skies of overseas (LOLLIPOP and SUZUKA, Arigato-gosaimas!^_^). I wish to say that an english version is under conception for all my visitors from around the world (sorry I can't do it in Japanese), and I also wish I can find the time to present you others things I like as the VALIS series or ZILLION series (or the so many things I like so much).

08-09-2001 21:09:45
Bonjour! Je m'appelle Suzuka. Je suis Japonais. J'aime "Zillion", moi aussi. Mais,Je n'ecris pas Francais. ...I'm going to writing in English. Very poor English. I came from Japanese Website "Zillion Room", I saw your writing. I'm glad to meet overseas Zillion's fun. When you get a chance watching new "Zillion" episode, tell me your impression. ...Merci. Au revoir!

04-09-2001 23:09:46
Last day,Thank you for visit my VALIS site. I was tired to renewer,but you make me cheer up. Today,I have put new pages "VALIS for PC98,demo". Please check them out.

22-08-2001 11:08:29
Et bien je ne sortirai pas tout mon attirail de phrases chiadées pour dire tout simplement que ce site est très bien fait, très informatifs et qu'en plus il y a des mises à jour. Donc, bonne continuation !

13-08-2001 23:08:43
Pertinent et de bon goût! Des dossiers riches en information, toujours relevés d'une pointe de "second degré" indissociable de leur truculent auteur ;) Ici, on ne fait pas dans le "tape-à-oeil outrancier" ou dans le "verbal surfait". Que des bonnes choses... A "bookmarker" absolument !! Nephem - Marionettiste Facétieux

Le professeur Moriatry
13-08-2001 03:08:20
Très bien ce site ! Il se rempli à une vitesse inquietante par contre, il va peut-être falloir demander un peu plus de place à l'herbergeur... Enfin, vivement que tu nous livres ton secret pour eviter tous les tirs, et prendre tous les bonus - surtout quand on joue à plusieurs - sans jamais perdre de vie !!!!

12-08-2001 11:08:46
Congru et affable, voilà un site qui se sort in extremis de l'aspect par trop conventionnel de l'habituel faconde du passionné sans retenu... Evitons quelque peu les idiolectes et le promotionel abusif... Compile c'est bien... Kelesis c'est mieux. Aienkei... Lui même.

12-08-2001 05:08:11
Voila, le guestbook rentre officiellement en fonction. vous allez pouvoir me donner votre avis sur le site, ce que vous avez apprecié, ce que vous voudriez voir changer, poster des info sur les sujets traités dans cette page ou bien juste faire un coucou etc... C'est tout, je remercie les gens qui sont passés sur le site et ceux qui m'ont soutenu !


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